I used to work at the EPA. Now I have lung disease and depend on it.

March 26, 2018

By John Kennedy –

For more than 30 years, I was a proud employee of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Pacific Southwest regional office in San Francisco. My job was to help develop systems to protect clean air and mitigate toxic contamination. I’m particularly grateful for the work I did on emergency response measures that set up monitoring and reporting systems to inform the public of the impacts of disasters such as wildfires on air quality.

My greatest reward came from working with the women and men at EPA. Their service, professionalism and dedication to clean up our air, water and land, and to protect the public’s health, were an inspiration that provided motivation throughout my career to do my best as a public servant.

My personal connection to the EPA and appreciation for its mission make it especially disheartening to see the level of vilification and animosity aimed at the agency since the dawn of the Trump administration. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt is determined to undermine the EPA’s ability to regulate pollution and conduct scientific research. Instead, he’s focusing on boosting industry profits.

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