• Victory: Scott Pruitt
  • has resigned as
  • EPA administrator
  • #BootPruitt

Sign the Petition

Sign our petition to make sure Pruitt’s toxic legacy ends once and for all.

The mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is “to protect human health and the environment.” Disgraced EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt tried his best to undermine this vital mission by choosing to slash  critical health protections and let corporate polluters off the hook. Now that Pruitt’s been booted, we need an EPA administrator dedicated to undoing his toxic agenda and restoring the agency to its core mission. Progress is possible and necessary – but another corporate crony or climate skeptic will not get us there.

Scott Pruitt is gone, but the fight is just beginning. We need an EPA administrator who puts our health and environment first, period. Any alternative is unacceptable.

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Over the last year, Scott Pruitt put our health in danger time and again by dismantling critical health protections and pushing his toxic agenda at the EPA with the support of climate skeptics and corporate polluters.

We need an EPA administrator who puts our health and environment first, period. Any alternative is unacceptable.